About the Charity

The Quran Foundation is a non-profit registered charity in UK, striving to enlighten people with the knowledge of the Quran and in furthering the advancement of teaching of Islamic faith by publication and distribution of Manzoom Tarjuman Quran.

Distributing free copies (including translations) of the Quran.

Distributing and supporting organisation in either providing copies of the Quran to the public, or spreading the message of the Quran.

Distributing the Manzoom Tarjuman Quran, a direct translation of the Quran in the language Urdu in poetry style.

About the author

Maulana Mohmmad Habibullah Amiruddin Asri, Graduated as an Aalim and Fazil from the esteemed Jamia Darul Hadis in Mau, Uttar Paradesh, India. Specialising in Quran and Hadith. He is well versed in Quranic Arabic, Urdu and Persian literature.

He has spent over 18 years in research works at Al-Dar Al Qayyma, India in compiling Arabic hadith books from original manuscript.

He has been based in the UK since 1989 overseeing dawah activities at various mosques as Imam, Khateeb and teaching Arabic and Quran. He was former Imam at Central Mosque Edinburgh.
He is well-known amongst learned Urdu poet and scholars.


Alim Examination: Jamia Darul Hadith Mau UP. Arabic and Persian Examination Board, UP India; ; Arabic Literature, Quran, Tafseer, Principles of Tafseer, Hadith fiqh and Pricniples of Hadith. Urdu Adeeb Examination: Jamia Urdu Ali Gadh UP; Urdu literature, Urdu Poetry, Urdu history composition and rules Fazil Examination: Jamia Darul Hadis, Mau (UP) India; Arabic literature, language rules, syntax and logic, Urdu literature and Persian literature Molvi Examination: Jamia Darul Hadith Mau UP. Arabic and Persian Examination Board, UP India; Arabic Literature, Theology, Philosophy


Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Shaikh,
Sahib-ul-Raheeq Al-Makhtum Hazrat Maulana Safi-ur-Rehman Mubarak Puri Azmi
Hafiz Muqtada Azhari, Maulana Abdul Aziz Umri and Maulana Faizur Rahman FaizMaulana Rahmatullah Bastawi and Maulana Abdul Ali Mauii

Research work and contributions

Al- Dar Al Qayyma (a reputable scholarly centre, Bhiwandi India):
Al-Mujam Al-Mufhars Al-Hadith Al-Nabawi [المعجم المفہرس لالفاظ الحدیث النبوی]
Tahfat Al-Ashraf for Imam Al-Mazi [تحفۃ الاشراف للامام المزی]
Al-Sunan Al-Kubra [السنن الکبریٰ للامام النسائی]


To advance the religion of Islam for the benefit of the public by enlightening others about the religion mainly through the message of the Quran.


By distributing copies of the Quran (including translations to other languages) to the public. This includes giving out copies of the Quran to people who cannot afford the same, Muslims who wish to further


Our current project include free distribution of the Manzoom Tarjuman Quran. It is not simply a translation of the Quran in Urdu, but is written in a poetry format without adding certain words to

Donate generously for the sake of Allah and gain Sadaqah Jarya for you and your family